What my wine label says about my brand?

Wine Label Brand Kiikstart Adelaide

We’ve all done this. Stood in an aisle, with hundreds of choices staring at us, only to make a choice based on packaging alone. For wine, it’s the label that we see first. For producers, this is why the branding is so important. It has to tell your wine’s story, in a matter of seconds.

At Kiikstart, we talk a lot about the story. The verbal and non-verbal cues. The way your customers (and potential customers) perceive you.

Think of your label as an advertisement for what’s inside the bottle. You’ve got to spend time finding out what your current label really says to your customers. And more importantly, what do you want it to say? This will guide your design choices.

Wine packaging gives cues to buyers about what to expect inside. The bottle shape, colour, how it’s sealed and the label all serve as ‘chapters’ in the story. Does your label illustrate homemade wine or a corporation? Will it be for millennials or baby boomers? Is it fruity or heavy? For a special occasion or an afternoon BBQ?

Know what you want to say about the wine in the bottle. Once you’ve got your main message, you’ll have a basis for designing the personality of your bottle. By focusing on a deliberate visual message, you’ll be amazed at what the right label can do for your wine.

Have fun with it and push the envelope. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes – someone who knows nothing about your wine. How can you use imagery to get them to purchase it? What would stop you in the aisle?

Consider how your label fits in with the rest of your brand experiences. Will they get the same feeling walking into your winery for tastings? What about your website or social media – does it have a similar vibe? While your label might only seem like a small part of your overall communications, it plays an important role. It’s the first thing people will see.

Aim to appeal to a problem you’re trying to solve. There are five basic stages which a customer usually goes through when buying a product.

They are:

  1. Need recognition
  2. Information search
  3. Evaluation of alternatives
  4. Purchase
  5. Post-purchase evaluation

Your label will help you standout when they’re evaluating alternatives, but the rest of the steps can’t be forgotten either.

At Kiikstart, we’re dedicated to helping people have more choice, influence and control about how they live, work and learn. If you’d like to hear more about what we do and the benefits for our clients contact us today on 0428 593 400 or email enquiries@kiikstart.com.